Let’s Work Together

Energy + Information =

Medical Intuition

Medical Intuition is a part of the emerging field of Complementary and Alternating Medicine (CAM) and Complementary and Integrative Health (CIH).  Medical Intuition focuses on intuitive scanning to obtain information from both the physical and the energetic systems (biofield) of the body for health and well being.

Energy Healing

Energy Healing sessions use the energies offered by Flow Alignment and Connection TM and Cellular Expansion and Healing TM as a transmission of refined energy and the principles of resonance to unwind tightly held patterns of constrictions which may show up as physical symptoms or disease. These energies work with the areas of lesser flow and bring them into a  more coherent state of balance. The work is gentle and some clients experience insights into their own situation or illness while others may simply fall asleep.  The energy is respectful of your choices and asks that you be a co-creative partner in your healing process. 

Intuitive Coaching

Intuitive Coaching uses both a model of traditional health and wellness coaching and intuitive tools for self discovery, to gain clarity around "stuck" issues and to offer support to facilitate change and transformation.


30-Minute Session
Choose one modality

60-Minute Session
Choose one modality

90-Minute Session
Choose two modalities

45-Minute Animal Session
Intuitive + Energy Healing

All sessions are remote by telephone.
Pre-payment is required to schedule and can be made via Zelle, Venmo, or Check.
I request 24 notice for cancellation or to reschedule.

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