Integrative wellness solutions to help you gain clarity and create sustainable change.

Vanessa Hess RPh, NBC-HWC, CMIP

Integrative Health Coach &
Alternative Healing Arts Practitioner

Vanessa Hess, Integrative Health Coach and Alternative Healing Arts Practitioner

Hello! I’m Vanessa.

Are you at a crossroads with a health issue and not sure where to go next? 

It’s like being stuck on a rock while the river flows swiftly past.  Healing is multi-layered with many facets that include more than just the physical body.  You also have an emotional, mental and a spiritual body.  They all hold stories.  They hold your beliefs, your life experiences and those passed down from ancestral lines as well as your karmic contracts.  That's a lot!  We are complex beings!

Through the use of medical intuition, I use the insights gained to pinpoint root causes and gather useful information, offering awareness and suggestions for next steps for your overall path of wellness. I also offer long distance advanced energetic bodywork sessions to assist in shifting patterns in the different energy bodies (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual).  These stories are often held in the different energy bodies before physical issues manifest.  The energy work allows the potential for recalibration, realignment and the creation of flow in these systems.  The modalities I offer may be used alone, in tandem, or within a matrix of coaching to best assist in creating sustainable changes.


I offer a free 20-minute discovery call.

Kind Words from Past Clients

Vanessa’s medical intuitive session was very accurate and insightful.  

She was able to help me identify and prioritize issues that were affecting me physically and energetically, helping me understand the root causes of imbalances related to my past experiences and the unconscious decisions made at a young age that are impacting my ability to move forward in my life today. I feel like I have great information to help me create the healthier, happier future I am working toward. I highly recommend Vanessa if you are wanting greater clarity in your life related to your health and holistic wellbeing.


Vanessa worked with our sanctuary horse, Bailey, and her session was both enlightening and inspiring.  

Bailey is 32, and as with most senior horses, suffered from arthritis along with other health issues, and we are always looking for ways to make him more comfortable.  Vanessa was able to provide us with valuable insight from their time together to create a plan for moving energy for him with acupressure and herbs, as well as areas of concern to check where he has stiffness and pain.  That they had shared a wonderful connection during the session was obvious from the visual he shared about one of our barn cats he was missing (the cat had passed the week before), and thoughts regarding silly goats (who he can see from his paddock).  We are in awe of Vanessa’s skills as an energy healer and on behalf of Bailey, thank her very much!

—Julie Duke, Founder/Director, Island Haven Animal Sanctuary

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